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2020-SR-013 (POII)

The Census of Population, which is a complete enumeration of households in the country, is designed primarily to take an inventory of the population of all barangays in the Philippines as mandated by RA No. 10625 and Executive Order No. 352. It also collects information about some characteristics of the population such as age, sex, marital status, and highest grade completed.

This special release presents data on the population of Barangay Marikina Heights (Concepcion), City of Marikina. Figures are based from the tabulated data of the 2015 Census of Population.

Total Population of Barangay Marikina Heights (Concepcion) Reaches 38,795

The total population of Barangay Marikina Heights (Concepcion), City of Marikina reached 38,795 as of August 1, 2015. This accounts for 8.6 percent of the city’s total population. The household population of Barangay Marikina Heights (Concepcion) constituted a sum of 38,486 while the remaining 309 people belonged to the institutional population or those residing in institutional living quarters such as hotels, hospitals, orphanages, homes for the aged, jails, and military camps.

Of the household population, 18,394 or 47.8 percent were male while 20,092 or 52.2 percent were female. These figures resulted to a sex ratio of 92 males per 100 females.

Persons Aged 15 to 19 Years Comprise the Largest Age Group

The age-sex distribution of the population showed that persons aged 15 to 19 years comprised the largest age group, making up 9.9 percent of the household population. This was followed by those in the age groups 20 to 24 years (9.8 percent) and 25 to 29 years (9.5 percent).

Females outnumbered males in the age groups 0 to 54 years and in the older age groups, 55 years old and over.  Refer to Table 2 for details.

Median Age is 27 Years

In 2015, the median age of the household population of Barangay Marikina Heights (Concepcion) was 27. This means that half of the household population was younger than 27 years. This was the same with the median age of the City of Marikina which was also 27 years.

Two in Three of the Household Population are of Voting Age

A total of 26,222 or 68.1 percent of the barangay’s household populace belonged to the voting population or those aged 18 years and over. There were more female voters (13,999 or 53.4 percent) than male voters (12,223 or 46.6 percent). Refer to Table 3 for details.

Senior Citizens Constitute 8.3 Percent of the Household Population

People who were regarded as senior citizens were those aged 60 years and over. In 2015, senior citizens made up 8.3 percent of the barangay’s household population. Among the senior citizens, females (56.9 percent) outnumbered males (43.1 percent). Refer to Table 2 for details.

Overall Dependency Ratio Totals 45 Dependents

The overall dependency ratio of Barangay Marikina Heights (Concepcion) was 45, which indicates that for every 100 working-age population, there were about 45 dependents (38 young dependents and 7 old dependents). This was lower than the overall dependency ratio of the City of Marikina which was 48 dependents. Refer to Table 4 for details.

One Elderly for Every Three Children Below 15 Years

The ageing index or the proportion of persons aged 60 years and over per 100 persons under the age of 15 years in Barangay Marikina Heights (Concepcion) registered 31.6 percent. This translates to one person aged 60 years and over for every three children under 15 years old.

Never Been Married Persons Tally 48.6 Percent

Of the total household population 10 years old and over, 48.6 percent has never been married while 36.5 percent was married. The rest of the population was categorized as follows: common-law/live-in (9.3 percent), widowed (3.9 percent), divorced/separated (1.7 percent) and unknown (0.1 percent). Among those who have never been married, a higher proportion in females (52.5 percent) than males (47.5 percent) was recorded. Likewise, the proportion of females was higher than males among those who were widowed (77.7 percent), divorced/separated (69.9 percent), common-law/live-in (51.1 percent), married (50.9 percent) and unknown (69.0 percent). Refer to Table 5 for details.

Females Outnumber Males Among Baccalaureate Degree Holders 

Of the total household population 5 years old and over, 32.8 percent had attended or completed high school education, 23.4 percent were baccalaureate degree holders, 18.4 percent were college undergraduates, and 17.8 percent had attended or completed elementary school education. Among those baccalaureate degree holders, there were more females (56.1 percent) than males (43.9 percent). Refer to Table 6 for details.

Simple Literacy Rate is Recorded at 98.8 Percent

Barangay Marikina Heights (Concepcion) recorded a literacy rate of 98.8 percent which was higher than the total literacy rate of the City of Marikina that was at 98.3 percent. Literacy rate was slightly higher among females (98.9 percent) than males (98.7 percent). Refer to Table 7 for details.

Three in Every Five Persons are Engaged in a Gainful Activity

Approximately three in every five persons (61.2 percent) were engaged in gainful activity during the 12 months preceding the census. Among the major occupation groups, clerical support workers comprised the largest group (17.6 percent). Service and sales workers came next (15.6 percent), followed by professionals (14.1 percent). Refer to Table 8 for details.


The 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) was undertaken by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in August 2015 as mandated by Republic Act No. 10625, otherwise known as the Philippine Statistics Act of 2013. It was the 14th census of population that was undertaken since the first census in 1903. POPCEN 2015 was designed to take an inventory of the total population all over the Philippines and collect information about their characteristics. Census day for the POPCEN 2015 was August 1, 2015 (12:01 a.m.). POPCEN 2015 made use of the de jure concept of enumeration wherein households and persons are enumerated in the area where they usually reside as of the census reference date. Enumeration lasted for about 25 days, from 10 August to 6 September 2015. Enumeration was extended until 15 September 2015 for large provinces and some highly urbanized cities. 

Total population - the sum of the household population and institutional population. It also includes Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad 

Household population - comprises of persons who belong to a household, the basic criterion of which is the usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resides 

Institutional population - the population enumerated in collective or institutional living quarters such as: dormitories/lodging houses, jails/prisons, military camps, convents/seminaries, and mental hospitals 

Household - a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food 

Age -  the interval of time between a person’s date of birth and the census reference date (1 August 2015). Expressed in completed years (as of last birthday), it is recorded in whole number 

Median age -  the age at which exactly half of the population is younger than this age and the other half is older than it 

Overall dependency ratio - the ratio of persons in the dependent ages (under 15 years old and over 64 years old) to persons in the economically active or working ages (15 to 64 years old) in the population  

Marital status - the personal status of each individual with reference to the marriage laws or customs of the country 

Simple literacy rate - the proportion of persons aged 10 years and over who are able to read and write a simple message in any language or dialect 

Highest grade/year completed - the highest grade or year completed in school, college or university

Usual activity/occupation - the kind of job or business, which a person aged 15 years’ and over was engaged in most of the time during the 12 months preceding the census


Chief Statistical Specialist


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Excel spreadsheet Statistical Tables 19.46 KB

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