Women outnumbered the household population of men by 1.3 percent
In 2020, the City of Manila reached a total population of 1,846,513 wherein 99.5 percent are household population and 0.5 percent are institutional population.
Figure 1 illustrates the comparison of the household population of women and men in Manila. As of 01 May 2020, the majority, or 50.3 percent (924,982) of Manileños consists of women while the remaining 49.7 percent, or 912,803 consists of men. These population counts resulted in a sex ratio of 99 males for every 100 females. (See Table 3)
Men within the age group of 0 to 39 years old have a higher household population than women
Even though women outnumbered men in the total household population, there is still a range where men exceeded the population of women. Figure 2 demonstrates the household population of women and men by age group. It shows that majority of the individuals between the ages of 0 to 39 years old are men. On the other hand, in the older age group, women are more populous than men. (See Table 4)
Figure 3 below exhibits the age-sex pyramid in Manila. Most women and men (179,543) ranged from 20 years old as the youngest to 24 years old as the oldest. Among this age group, 89,681 are female while 89,862 are male. These numbers are accountable for 9.7 percent and 9.8 percent of the total household population of women and men, respectively. (See Table 4)
In 2020, the lowest household population of women is within the age range of 75 to 79 years old at 8,448 persons or 0.9 percent of its total household population. Meanwhile, the least population of men is registered among ages 80 years old and over at 3,505 persons which are accountable for 0.4 percent of the total household population of men. (See Table 4)
One (1) out of three (3) Manileños are children
The number of children residing in the City of Manila reached 583,769 which is 31.8 percent of the household population of the city. Out of this population, 282,914 are females and 300,855 are males — resulting in a sex ratio of 106 males per 100 females. This means that there are 106 male children for every 100 female children. (See Table 5)
Meanwhile, youth or individuals in the age group of 15 to 30 years of age contributed about 30.0 percent (549,668) to the household population of which 272,514 are female while 277,154 are male. The sex ratio of these figures resulted in 102 males per 100 females. (See Table 6)
On the other hand, senior citizens are accountable for 8.4 percent (154,809) of the household population which is comprised of 91,494 females and 63,315 males. This category registered a sex ratio of 69 males for every 100 female seniors. (See Table 7)
Among these categories, men outnumbered the household population of children and youth while women exceeds the household population of men in senior age. This depicts a longer life expectancy among women than men or a higher mortality rate among men than women in the older age groups.
Majority of the registered births are women
Nearly 100 percent of the household population had their birth registered in 2020. Among this population, women have a greater number (909,291) of registered births than men (898,216). On the contrary, the number of individuals who haven’t registered their birth yet reached 25,090 — 12,974 are female while 12,116 are male. The remaining count of individuals is accountable for those who are not known or not yet reported.
More men were working abroad than women
About two (2) percent (30,430) of the individuals ages 15 years old and over are overseas workers wherein 13,335 are female and 17,095 are male. Meanwhile, people between the ages of 30 to 34 years old contributed 14.5 percent (4,410) of this number — making it the most populous age group among women and men working abroad. Out of this population, 1,987 are women while 2,423 are men. (See Table 8)
About 35 percent of Manileños with functional difficulty are women who have been suffering with their vision
Two (2) out of 10 (257,194) of the household population ages 15 years old and over has functional difficulty. Among this population, 151,647 are female while 105,547 are male. (See Table 9)
Figure 6 below depicts the household population of people ages are 5 years old and over with functional difficulty by type. The top three (3) types of functional difficulty that Manileños have encountered in 2020 are difficulty in seeing, walking, and hearing. (See Table 9)
Six (6) out of 10 individuals (152,118) who has a functional difficulty in Manila were struggling with their vision. This population is comprised of 89,886 women and 62,232 men. Followed by the number of people with difficulty in walking at 35,367 persons, of which 21,384 are women and 13,983 are men. On the other hand, the number of individuals who has difficulty in hearing is 29,409 wherein 17,134 are female and 12,275 are male. (See Table 9)
Meanwhile, functional difficulty in communicating (10,163) was recorded with the least number of household population in 2020. Majority of this number are women with 5,244 persons or 51.6 percent of the people who are experiencing difficulty in communicating. (See Table 9)

(SGD.) Amelia G. Basilio
Chief Statistical Specialist