Data on deaths presented in this special release were obtained from the timely and late registered deaths at the Office of the City Civil Registrar of Pasay and submitted to the Office of the Civil Registrar General through the Philippine Statistics Authority-National Capital Region Provincial Statistical Office V (PSA-NCR PSO V). The information presented includes deaths that occurred from January to December 2022 based on data files received by the PSA-Central Office from the PSOs that were registered as of 31 July 2023. The figures presented herein are not adjusted for under registration.
Registered deaths in Pasay City experienced a substantial decline.
In 2022, Pasay City registered a total of 2,418 deaths, reflecting a substantial decline of 21.2 percent from the previous year's count of 3,068. This translates to a crude death rate of 5.5, or roughly five deaths per 1,000 individuals, with an average of seven deaths recorded daily. Over the past decade, the trend in registered deaths has demonstrated annual fluctuations, with most years showing relatively modest variations. However, the significant 12.4% increase in 2021, followed by a substantial 21.2% decrease in 2022, highlights the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 and its subsequent decline in severity by 2022. (See Figure 1)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division
More male deaths than female deaths recorded.
Figure 2 illustrates the age-sex distribution of registered deaths in 2022. It depicts an inverted pyramid shape, indicating fewer deaths occurring at younger ages, except for children under one year old, and gradually increasing as individuals grow older. In Pasay City, there were more male deaths (1,362 or 56%) compared to female deaths (1,056 or 45%) in 2022. The proportion of male deaths was highest among those aged 65-69 years old (157 or 11.54% of male deaths), while for females, it peaked in the oldest age group, 85 years old and over (138 or 13.07% of female deaths).
The sex ratio of 129 indicates that for every 100 female deaths, approximately 129 male deaths were recorded. Additionally, a sex ratio exceeding 100 implies that across all age groups from 20 to 69 years, there were more registered male deaths than female deaths. Furthermore, in the older age brackets (70 years old and over), a greater proportion of female deaths were observed compared to male deaths. (See Figure 2)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division
Most number of deaths were registered in January.
In 2022, January recorded the highest number of registered deaths, totaling 259 cases or 10.7 percent, with an average of approximately eight deaths per day. On the other hand, February reported the lowest number of registered deaths at 178 cases, accounting for 7.3 percent, or about 6 deaths per day.
Regarding daily averages, the month of January only exceeded the city’s average, with more than seven deaths per day. Meanwhile, February, April, May, June and December had the lowest daily average, with approximately six deaths per day. (See Figure 3).

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division
Six in ten deaths were medically attended.
An attendant denotes a healthcare professional, whether a private physician, public health officer, hospital authority representative, or any other allied healthcare provider, who attended the deceased.
Approximately six out of ten registered deaths were attended by healthcare providers, marking a decrease from 66.2 percent in 2021 to 63.5 percent in 2022. Conversely, the proportion of unattended deaths rose from 31.7 percent in 2021 to 35.5 percent in 2022. Additionally, the percentage of deaths categorized as "not stated" decreased marginally from 2.2 percent to 1.0 percent over the same period. (See Figure 4)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division
The vast majority of deaths in Pasay City received medical attention. Among these, hospital authorities attended the highest proportion at 93.6 percent, followed by private physicians at 4.9 percent, and public health officers at 0.9 percent. Meanwhile, 0.6 percent of deaths were categorized under others.(See Figure 5)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division
More than half of the total registered deaths occurred at hospital.
In 2022, the majority of deaths, totaling 1,482 cases or 61.3 percent, occurred within healthcare facilities, while 915 cases or 37.8 percent took place at home. The remaining 21 individuals, representing 0.9 percent, passed away in locations outside of homes or healthcare facilities, such as streets, public spaces, vehicles, airplanes, or vessels in transit, among other settings. (See Figure 6)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division
More than 99 percent were registered on time.
For a death to be considered timely registered, it must be officially recorded within a thirty-day reglementary period from the date of occurrence. Notably, in Pasay City, an overwhelming 99.0 percent of registered deaths in the year 2022 adhered to this requirement. (See Figure 7)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division
Higher incidence of infant mortality among male infants.
Infant mortality refers to the death of a child before reaching the age of one. In Pasay City, a total of 67 infant deaths were recorded in 2022, representing an 8.1 percent increase compared to the 62 infant deaths registered in the previous year. Of these, male infants accounted for a significant proportion, with 36 cases, or 53.7 percent, while female infants represented 31 cases, or 46.3 percent of the total. This distribution underscores a slightly higher incidence of infant mortality among male infants in the city. (See Figure 8)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division
The highest number of maternal deaths was recorded in the 25 to 29 age brackets.
The World Health Organization defines maternal death as “the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management, but not from accidental or incidental causes.” In 2022, Pasay City reported a total of 6 maternal deaths, representing a 50.0 percent increase from the previous year’s count of 4 cases.
The age group 30-34 recorded the highest incidence of maternal deaths, with two cases each indicating that maternal mortality was most prevalent within this age range. The absence of maternal deaths in both younger and older age brackets may suggest a lower frequency of childbirth within these age groups or possibly a reduced maternal mortality risk among them in this particular population. (See Figure 9)

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Civil Registration Service, Vital Statistics Division
Technical Notes
Civil Registration is the recording in the appropriate civil registers, vital acts and events that affect the civil status of individuals.
Vital Statistics are derived from information obtained at the time when the occurrences of vital events and their characteristics are inscribed in a civil register.
Vital acts and events are the births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, and all such events that have something to do with an individual's entrance and departure from life together with the changes in civil status that may occur to a person during his lifetime. Recording of these events in the civil register is known as vital or civil registration and the resulting documents are called vital records.
• Death - refers to the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).
• Crude Death Rate (CDR) - Refers to the number of deaths per 1,000 mid-year population.
• Sex Ratio - refers to the number of males per one hundred females.
• Usual Residence - refers to the place where the person habitually or permanently resides.
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Chief Statistical Specialist
1. Table 1. Number of Registered Deaths by Usual Residence of Deceased, Percent Change, Daily Average, Male and Female Percentage and Sex Ratio, Pasay City: 2013-2022
2. Table 2. Number and Percent Share of Registered Deaths by Usual Residence of Deceased, by Month of Occurrence, and by Sex Pasay City: 2021-2022
3. Table 3. Number and Percent Share of Registered Deaths by Usual Residence of Deceased, by Age Group and Sex, Pasay City: 2021-2022
4. Table 4. Number and Percent Share of Registered Deaths by Usual Residence of Deceased, by Type of Attendant and by Sex, Pasay City: 2021-2022
5. Table 5. Number and Percent Share of Registered Deaths by Usual Residence of Deceased by Site of Occurrence and by Sex, Pasay City: 2021-2022
6. Table 6. Number and Percent Share of Registered Deaths by Usual Residence of Deceased, by Registration Status and by Sex, Pasay City: 2021-2022
7. Table 7. Number and Percent Share of Registered Infant Deaths by Usual Residence, by Month of Occurrence and by Sex, Pasay City: 2021-2022
8. Table 8. Number and Percent Share of Registered Infant Deaths by Usual Residence, by Month of Occurrence and by Sex, Pasay City: 2021-2022