Establishments in NCR employs more than 30 percent of the total employment in the country
The number of establishments in NCR based on the 2021 List of Establishments (LE) reached 200,554 with total employment of 2,769,312. The number of establishments in the region was about 18.6 percent of the total establishments and employed around 32.8 percent of the total employment of the country. (Figure 1 and Table 1)

Across NCR, Quezon City and City of Manila remained as the cities with the highest number of establishments with 48,835 and 31,839, respectively. City of Makati (15,841), and City of Caloocan (15,389) came next with highest number of establishments while City of Navotas (984) and Pateros (631) recorded the least number of establishments.
In terms of employment, Quezon City registered the highest number of total employment with 630,584 which is equivalent to 22.8 percent of the total employment in the region. City of Makati recorded the second highest total employment with 460,230 (16.6%) and was followed by City of Manila (276,015), City of Pasig (271,862), and City of Taguig (212,818). The total employment from these five cities comprised around 66.9 percent of the total employment in NCR.
Compared to the result of the 2018 LE, the number of establishments in NCR decreased by 4,696 (-2.3%) while the total employment fell by 348,358 (-11.2%) in the 2021 LE. City of Navotas registered the steepest decline in the number of establishments from 1,875 in 2018 LE to 984 in 2021 LE or about -47.5 percent. This was followed by
City of Parañaque (-17.8%) and City of San Juan (-16.5%). In terms of employment, six (6) cities registered a decline of more than -15%, these were City of Navotas (-27.6%), City of Valenzuela (21.8%), City of Makati (-20.1%), City of San Juan (-20.0%), City of Las Piñas (-19.2%), and Quezon City (-15.9%).
Meanwhile, out of the 17 cities/municipality in NCR, only six (6) cities registered an increase in the number of establishments with only three (3) of these cities registered an increase in total employment between 2018 and 2021 LE. The three cities with an increase in both number of establishments and total employment were City of Marikina with 25.0% increase in the number of establishments and 3.2% in total employment; next was City of Pasig with 12.5% gain in the number of establishments and 8.5% in total employment; and lastly, Pasay City with 0.9% growth in the number of establishments and 0.2% in total employment. The City of Taguig which registered an increase of 66.8% in the number of establishments recorded an almost the same total employment between 2018 and 2021 LE. (Table 1)
Eight in every ten establishments in NCR are micro enterprises
About eight in every ten establishments in NCR were categorized as micro enterprises or establishment with 1-9 total employees employing 504,393 or 18.2 percent of the total employment in the region. Proportion of micro enterprises in each cities/municipality was higher in City of Caloocan, Pateros, and City of Marikina which exceeded 90.0 percent or about 9 in every 10 establishments. Meanwhile, medium (100-199 employees) to large (200 and over employees) enterprises were predominantly located in Quezon City, City of Makati, and City of Pasig. (Figure 2 and Table 2)

One in every two employees work in large enterprises
Total employment in large enterprises reached 1,396,905 or about 50.4 percent of the total employment in NCR. This translates to about one in every two employed in the region work in large enterprises. Overall, nine of the 17 cities/municipality in the region registered greater than 50.0% total employment from large enterprises Number of large enterprises was highest in City of Makati with 364 and has total employment of 270,599 which was about 58.8 percent of the total employed in the city. Quezon City came next with 358 large enterprises employing 318,636 (50.5%) followed by City of Pasig with 253 and total employment of 157,423 (57.9%). Large enterprises in City of Mandaluyong and City of Taguig also contributed 66.3 percent and 63.8 percent respectively, of total employment in their city. Notably, total employment from large enterprises in City of Navotas was at 9,815 or about 63.6 percent of the total employment in the city despite having only 19 Large enterprises. (Figure 3 and Table 2)

Almost half of the establishments in NCR are engaged in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicle and motorcycles
Establishments engaged in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicle and motorcycles comprised largely of the businesses in NCR reaching 92,024 or 45.9 percent of the total number of establishments in the region. This was followed by establishments engaged in accommodation and food service activities with 30,315 and manufacturing establishments with 18,873. About 9 in every 10 establishment in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicle and motorcycle establishments were micro enterprises. Micro enterprises were dominant also in other service activities with 16,071 or 95.1 percent of the total establishments under this industry section. (Figure 4 and Table 3)

Administrative and support service activities employ one in every four workers in the region
Large enterprises were relatively present in administrative and support service activities with 685 establishments or about 36.0 percent of the 1,902 total enterprises in large classification and was the employer of about 87.9 percent of the total employment from this industry section. Administrative and support service activities was also the biggest employer among the 18 industries with 707,179 (25.5%) which translate to one in every four of the total employment in the region. (Figure 5 and Table 3)

Establishments in services sectors comprise 90 percent of the businesses in NCR
In terms of major industry grouping: there were 84 establishments engaged in Agriculture (Section A); 20,602 were engaged in Industry (Sections B to F); and 179,868 were engaged in Services (Sections G to S). These imply that, for every 100 establishments in NCR, about ninety were engaged in Services and 10 were engaged in Industry. (Table 3)
More than two-thirds of establishments in NCR operate under single proprietorship
Establishment under legal organization (LO) of single proprietorship comprised around 68.0 percent of the total establishments in the region. This translates to about two in every three establishments operated by single proprietors. Proportion of establishment under single proprietorship were higher in the cities of Caloocan, Malabon, Valenzuela, Marikina, and in the Municipality of Pateros with about eight in every ten establishments in these cities were operated under this LO.
Meanwhile, stock corporation comprised around 29.8 percent of the total establishments in NCR. Around 23.9 percent (14,314) of the 59,797 stock corporation operated its business in Quezon City. The City of Makati also housed 15.4 percent (9,215) stock corporations while City of Manila had 13.3 percent (7,968). Among the 17 cities/municipality in region, proportion of stock corporation to total establishments in each city was highest in City of Makati with 58.2 percent or about six in every ten establishments in the city. City of Mandaluyong registered the second highest with 50.0 percent (3,126 out ot 6,258) followed by City of San Juan with 49.1 percent (1,524 out of 3,101). (Table 4)
Three in every four establishments in NCR are single establishment
About three-fourths (76.5%) of the 153,517 of the total establishments in NCR has economic organization (EO) of single establishments (establishment with no branch nor main office) while about 20.3 percent (40,723) were branch only (main office is located elsewhere within the country) and 1.4 percent (2,906) were establishment and main office (establishment is located in the same address and with branch/es elsewhere).
Among the 17 cities/municipality in the region, the cities of Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, and Valenzuela registered the highest proportion of single establishments with nearly nine in every ten establishments in these cities were operating under this EO. On the other hand, City of Mandaluyong recorded the highest proportion of establishment with EO of branch only with 35.2 percent (2,203 out of the 6,258). The cities of San Juan, Makati, and Taguig likewise recorded higher proportion of establishments with EO of branch only comprising more than 25.0 percent or about one in every four establishments in each city.
Establishment with EO of main office only (office of an establishment/s which controls, supervises, directs other establishment/s) were mostly located in City of Makati (548), Quezon City (465), and City of Pasig (222). Meanwhile, ancillary unit establishments (an economic unit that operates primarily or exclusively for a related establishment or group of establishments and produces goods or services that support but do not become part of the output of those establishment) were chiefly located in Quezon City (363), City of Manila (181), and City of Makati (169). City of Valenzuela and City of Pasig also registered higher number of ancillary units of 165 and 159, respectively. (Table 5)