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Based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH), the National Capital Region posted a total population of 13,484,462 persons as of May 1, 2020. Women dominated the region’s population with 6,754,926 persons or 50.1 percent while men comprised the remaining 49.9 percent or 6,729,536 persons. Moreover, five (5) out of seventeen (17) cities/municipality have fewer women than men in NCR. These were the Cities of Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, Valenzuela, and Muntinlupa. Among the cities/municipality with more women than men in the total population, only the City of Taguig had fewer women than men in the household population. (Figure 1 and Table 1)





Females outnumber males in terms of the household population

Out of the region’s total population, the household population comprised 99.4 percent or 13.4 million persons. Of these, 50.2 percent or 6.7 million persons are females and 49.8 percent or 6.6 million persons are males with a sex ratio of 99 males for every 100 females. Furthermore, the City of Navotas had the fewest females in terms of sex ratio with 104 males for every 100 females, followed by the City of Valenzuela with 103 males for every 100 females. Meanwhile, the City of San Juan had the highest number of females in terms of sex ratio with 93 males for every 100 females. The City of Makati ranked second with 94 males for every 100 females. (Table 1)


Fewest females in terms of sex ratio are in 5 to 9 years old age-group

By age group, the fewest females in terms of sex ratio were those aged 5 to 9 years old with 108 males for every 100 females. More females are reported than males from the age group 40 years old and over, this indicates that the majority of the younger generation was male and the older generation was female. Moreover, this shows longer life expectancy among females than males or a higher mortality rate among males than females. (Figure 2, Table 2, and Table 3)




Median age of the female household population increases to 28.0 years

In 2020, the median age of the female household population was computed at 28.0 years, which means that half of the female household population was younger than 28.0 years, while the other half are older than 28.0 years. This was higher than the median ages of 26.7 years and 26.0 years that were posted in 2015 and 2010, respectively. (Figure 3 and Table 4)



More female population in senior age but less in the youth age

In the Philippines, people aged 60 and over are considered senior citizens. They made up 7.9 percent or 1.1 million of the region’s household population in 2020, with more females (58.1%) than males (41.9%) among senior citizens. (Table A and Table 4)


School-age population or persons whose age ranges from 5 to 24 years old comprised 35.9 percent of the region’s household population. A total of 2.3 million females (48.9%) and 2.4 million males (51.1%) were reported in the region which resulted in a sex ratio of 104 males for every 100 females. (Figure 4 and Table 4)



Adolescent age or persons whose age ranges from 10 to 19 years old in NCR comprised 17.1 percent or a total of 2.3 million persons in 2020, a decrease of 3.6 percent from 2.4 million persons in 2015. There are fewer females (8.3%) than males (8.8%) in the region’s household population, resulting into a sex ratio of 105 males for every 100 females. (Figure 5 and Table 4)


Adolescent household population in all the cities/municipality in NCR shows more males than females. (Figure 6 and Table 5)


Vital Statistics

Vital statistics are derived from information obtained at the time when the occurrences of vital events and their characteristics are inscribed in a civil register. Vital acts and events are the births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, and all such events that have something to do with an individual's entrance and departure from life together with the changes in civil status that may occur to a person during his lifetime. Recording of these events in the civil register is known as vital or civil registration and the resulting documents are called vital records.

Males outnumber females in terms of registered births

In 2020, a total of 198,981 live births (Usual Place of Mother) were recorded in the region. More male babies (103,482) were born in 2020 compared to females (95,499) which resulted in a sex ratio of 108 male babies per 100 female babies. Quezon City was reported to have the highest number of live births at 35,045 while Municipality of Pateros was the least number of live births at 870 babies. (Figure 7 and Table 6)



Birth to adolescent mothers drops by 17.3 percent in 2020

The number of registered live births to adolescent mothers in NCR dropped by 17.3 percent from 19,959 in 2019 to 17,017 in 2020. The Municipality of Pateros recorded twice the region’s decline in terms of percentage with 37.7 percent or from 95 registered births to adolescent mothers in 2019 to 69 registered births to adolescent mothers in 2020. Meanwhile, the City of Caloocan was the only city in NCR that recorded an increase in registered live births to adolescent mothers with 2,489 live births in 2020 from 2,429 live births in 2019. (Figure 8 and Table 7)



10 years old was the youngest age who gave birth

In 2020, the reported youngest mother who gave birth in NCR was 10 years old.  The same youngest age who gave birth was also reported in 2019.   There were three (3) more babies born to mothers whose age was less than 15 years old in NCR in 2020. On the other hand, the oldest mother who gave birth in 2020 in NCR was 56 years old. (Figure 9 and Table 8)





About one in every ten registered marriages of an adolescent bride is contracted to an adolescent groom

Of the 316 total registered marriages of the adolescent bride, 39 or about one in every ten marriages were contracted to adolescent husbands in 2020.  The youngest age of the bride recorded in 2020 was 17 which is two years older than the youngest bride in 2019 at age of 15.   Likewise, the youngest age of a husband was 18 in both year 2019 and 2020.   On the other hand, the majority of the registered marriages of adolescent wives were contracted to husbands aged 20 – 30 with 237 or about 75.0 percent.  Moreover, the largest age gap between an adolescent wife and her husband was 51 years in 2020. (Table 10)





More women marry at a younger age than men

In 2020, nearly six in every ten registered marriages were contracted with a wife aged 29 years old and below while more than half (54.6%) of the husbands were aged 30 years old and above. The median age of marriage was 29 years old for women and 31 years old for men. This shows that women tend to marry at a younger age than men and that the majority of husbands had a wife younger than their age. (Figure 11 and Table 9)



Number of death increased by 7.3 percent

The number of death by the usual residence of the deceased individual increased by 7.3 percent from 78,599 deaths in 2019 to 84,355 deaths in 2020. By Age group, a decrease of 42.3 percent was registered in ages 1 – 4 years old, followed by 41.9 percent in below 1 year old. (Figure 12 and Table 11)



Less adolescent female population died from COVID-19 than to adolescent male population

In 2020, Coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 was the main cause of death in the adolescent population in NCR with 146 deaths, followed by neoplasms with 127 death, and the remainder of diseases of the nervous system with 86 deaths. Fewer adolescent female population died than adolescent male population in the top 10 causes of death. (Figure 13 and Table 12)




Regional Director




I.             Introduction

This special release presents selected information on Women and Men in National Capital Region (NCR). Data provided in this special release were taken from the latest available data from the latest census, and various surveys of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

Vital statistics are derived from information obtained at the time when the occurrences of vital events and their characteristics are inscribed in a civil register. Vital acts and events are the births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, and all such events that have something to do with an individual's entrance and departure from life together with the changes in civil status that may occur to a person during his lifetime. Recording of these events in the civil register is known as vital or civil registration and the resulting documents are called vital records.

II. Definition of Terms and Concepts

Household is a social unit consisting of a person or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food.

Household population refers to all persons who are members of the household.

Sex is the biological and physiological reality of being a male or female.

Age refers to the interval of time between the person’s date of birth and his/her last birthday prior to the census reference date. It is expressed in completed years or whole numbers.

Age-sex structure is the composition of a population as determined by the number or proportion of males and females in each age category. The age-sex structure of a population is the cumulative result of past trends in fertility, mortality, and migration. Information on age-sex composition is essential for the description and analysis of many other types of demographic data.

Sex ratio is the number of males per one hundred females in a population.

Median age is the age that divides the population into two numerically equal groups; that is, half of the population is younger than this age and the other half is older.

Senior Citizens are those Individuals belonging to the age group 60 years and over

School-age Population is those Individuals belonging to the age group 5 to 24 years old

Adolescents Age are those Individuals belonging to the age group 10 to 19 years old

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